IRILL is the French Center for Research and Innovation on Free Software (Initiative de Recherche et Innovation sur le Logiciel Libre). Its mission is to bring together in one place leading researchers and scientists, expert free and “open source” (FOSS) developers, and FOSS industry players to tackle the fundamental challenges that FOSS poses in science, in education, and from an economic standpoint.

Software Heritage is a non-profit, multi-stakeholder organization whose ambition is to collect, preserve, and share all software that is publicly available in source code form. On this foundation, a wealth of applications can be built, ranging from cultural heritage to industry and research.

Inria is the French research institute in computer science and mathematics. More than 3,500 researchers and engineers in 200 project-teams explore new directions, often in a multidisciplinary context and with industrial and academic partnerships. Inria supports innovation through “open source” software and tech startups.

“L’Unité d’Appui à la Recherche” GRICAD, co-supervised by Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Inria, and Grenoble-INP is a structure at the service of all Grenoble research laboratories (and their external collaborators). GRICAD provides support and advice to researchers on their computation, software development processes and data needs. GRICAD also make available advanced and shared infrastructures for intensive computing, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and the exploitation of research data to all researchers and staff in support of research.

Meso@LR is a high-performance computing (HPC) center (mésocentre) in the city of Montpellier, offering shared resources and cutting-edge architectures for HPC and big data. It is open to both academic and industrial partners.

The GNU Guix Project contributes to this event thanks to donations received over the years. The Guix Europe non-profit, registered in France (association loi 1901), is dedicated to promoting and supporting Guix and contributes to the event.